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- 1904
- 1107
- 261
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- 1808
- 1642
- 904
- 380
- 1316
- 1362
- 471
- 89
- 277
- 1499
- 1755
- 1034
- 1731
- 411
- 743
- 1280
- 1328
- 1832
- 119
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- 1351
- 787
- 1197
- 249
- 1615
- 1548
- 494
- 4
- 1541
- 1518
- 432
- 1722
- 765
- 719
- 1070
- 1806
- 61
- 466
- 855
- 372
- 1110
- 572
- 212
- 1663
- 1922
- 174
- 697
- 1519
- 144
- 622
- 1980
- 1190
- 328
- 1447
- 310
- 1707
- 131
- 1701
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- 1978
- 86
- 736
- 1982
- 1323
- 1312
- 967
- 1692
- 1673
- 1475
- 1268
- 1367
- 1265
- 867
- 241
- 928
- 576
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- 851
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- 1860
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- 1394
- 1318
- 410
- 216
- 100