ii. DEDICATION. For all the strong women in my life—for those who have blazed the trail before me, those in the trenches with me, and those 3.5.2 Liminal Space . 4.3.2 A Need for the Intersectionality Lens: Autism, Gamers, and Gender . The top two D2 SDI filter pads (5.3 SDI and 5.2 SDI) have a brown discoloration caused by an overdose of ferric coagulant. 3.5.2 Nonporous Solution-Diffusion Transport Model The nonporous solution-diffusion transport model assumes that Power-Systems-Control-and-Stability-2nd-Ed-by-P-M-Anderson-a-a-Fouad.pdf (b) An electric motor driving a fan, where in the region of interest the torques are given by T,,,,,,*, a - b B T, = d2 where a, b, From Section 3.5.2, neglecting PIA, the change in the mechanical power PmAis of the form (3.62) where R is the 21 Dec 2019 Other Indian Languages at Berkeley, and had retained only unsearchable pdf copies, of poor quality, of the field notes. tyyjt 'diablo (devil) or spirit'. (3.98.0030) yi(i) k. (Stubbs 2011 #2246), as well as *‑sur~la39 in Southern Uto-Aztecan languages (Stubbs. 2011 #2249). 3.5.2. PUA *R~L IN TAKIC. 24 Apr 2014 Two alternatives were considered: Alternative 1: Proposed Action and Alternative 2: No Action 3.5.2. Affected Environment. An abundance of high-quality habitat for wildlife currently exists within the action area. This POE to the Diablo Arroyo east of the Fort Hancock POE in Hudspeth County, Texasd
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- 656
- 1212
- 1830
- 223
- 1571
- 87
- 729
- 25
- 1219
- 1820
- 764
- 381
- 867
- 120
- 1044
- 817
- 221
- 1514
- 1158
- 1978
- 1982
- 1872
- 1693
- 1140
- 753
- 693
- 392
- 1289
- 1879
- 340
- 237
- 701
- 438
- 1977
- 827
- 718
- 560
- 1654
- 1684
- 8
- 1321
- 1227
- 1753
- 556
- 202
- 1478
- 847
- 1570
- 886
- 912
- 350
- 417
- 673
- 305
- 785
- 1520
- 690
- 1471
- 879
- 1695
- 1441
- 146
- 880
- 1584
- 63
- 1943
- 890
- 1294
- 326
- 257
- 567
- 1831
- 1151
- 657
- 755
- 189
- 1941
- 584
- 551
- 1215
- 1546
- 1719
- 993
- 1428
- 1887
- 285
- 1766
- 1673
- 43
- 1199
- 1871
- 184
- 805
- 314
- 1881