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- 1813
- 309
- 1473
- 131
- 468
- 1397
- 1158
- 302
- 1179
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- 1984
- 1014
- 1007
- 1570
- 750
- 395
- 1520
- 58
- 821
- 852
- 1518
- 152
- 930
- 1362
- 1898
- 1483
- 1163
- 728
- 1611
- 1005
- 1446
- 1201
- 451
- 1600
- 1983
- 780
- 464
- 164
- 1667
- 469
- 1646
- 1913
- 83
- 1146
- 15
- 1459
- 1706
- 1342
- 1657
- 1112
- 91
- 27
- 772
- 296
- 157
- 543
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- 1574
- 1568
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- 783
- 563
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- 1616
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- 1154
- 384
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- 239
- 848
- 217
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- 24
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- 1387
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